EHR Incentive Reporting Period Ends Dec. 31!

Dec. 31 is an important deadline for eligible professionals (EPs) participating in the Medicare EHR Incentive Program. It marks the last day of the 2013 meaningful use program year. If you are an EP participating in the Medicare EHR Incentive Program, you have until 12:00 a.m. EST on Feb. 28 to attest for meaningful use […]

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Chiropractic Summit Promotes Drug-Free Approach to Health Care

Arlington, Va.—The Chiropractic Summit, an umbrella leadership group of prominent chiropractic organizations, met on Nov. 7 in Seattle, Wash. and approved, by unanimous motion, the following historic statements of agreement: Summit Promotes Drug-Free Approach: The drug issue is a non-issue because no chiropractic organization in the Summit promotes the inclusion of prescription drug rights and […]

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