Unreturnable Serves

Unreturnable Serves In the dynamic world of running a practice, Dr. Sandy, the owner of Freedom Health & Wellness, found herself at an impasse. Over the past six months, her meetings with the practice team—consisting of Maria, John, Diane, and Rob—had turned into echo chambers. Sandy would ask for input on significant decisions, but her […]

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Are You Contracting or Expanding?

Are You Contracting or Expanding? To cultivate an expansive state of mind versus a contracted state, you can take specific action steps that influence your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Here are some practical strategies for each state: Expansive State Practice Gratitude: Start each day by listing things you are grateful for. This can shift your […]

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Expansion vs. Contraction Thinking and Abundance vs. Scarcity Mindset

Expansion vs. Contraction Thinking and Abundance vs. Scarcity Mindset As chiropractors, we understand the importance of alignment—not just in the spine, but in our mindset and approach to practice management. Today, I want to delve into two crucial concepts that can shape the trajectory of your chiropractic practice: expansion vs. contraction thinking and abundance vs. […]

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Practice Delight in Chiropractic Care: A Path to Wellness

Practice Delight in Chiropractic Care: A Path to Wellness As chiropractors, our mission extends beyond mere physical alignment; it’s about fostering holistic wellness for our patients. In these turbulent times, when the weight of the world seems heavier than ever, I want to introduce a transformative concept that has the potential to uplift not only […]

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OKR+Ps Goal Setting: Unlocking Peak Performance in Your Chiropractic Practice

OKR+Ps Goal Setting: Unlocking Peak Performance in Your Chiropractic Practice As chiropractors and practice managers, we are constantly striving to elevate our practices to new heights of success and patient satisfaction. One of the most powerful frameworks to help us achieve our goals is OKR+Ps, a refined approach to goal setting that integrates Objectives and […]

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The Three “Rs” of a Successful Chiropractic Practice: Reactivations, Retention, and Referrals

The Three “Rs” of a Successful Chiropractic Practice: Reactivations, Retention, and Referrals As chiropractors, we are dedicated to improving the health and wellness of our patients. However, the success of our practice relies not only on our clinical skills but also on our ability to manage and grow our practice effectively. At Breakthrough Coaching, we […]

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The Importance of Separating Personal and Business Finances

The Importance of Separating Personal and Business Finances One fundamental financial practice that often gets overlooked, yet holds immense importance, is the separation of personal and business finances. By maintaining distinct bank accounts and credit cards for business transactions, small business owners can streamline bookkeeping processes, ensure accurate expense tracking, and foster clarity in financial […]

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The Emotional Paycheck: Elevating Compensation Beyond the Financial

The Emotional Paycheck: Elevating Compensation Beyond the Financial In the hustle and bustle of daily operations, it’s easy for chiropractic practice owners to focus primarily on traditional compensation packages—salary, health insurance, and retirement plans. Yet, with the average person spending one-third of their life at work, it’s crucial to create environments that not only provide […]

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Mastering the Art of Generational Feedback: Insights from Breakthrough Coaching

Mastering the Art of Generational Feedback: Insights from Breakthrough Coaching In today’s chiropractic practices, fostering a harmonious and effective work environment is crucial. With four generations—Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X, and Boomers—making up the majority of the U.S. workforce, communication and behavioral norms vary widely. Understanding how to deliver critical feedback across these generational lines […]

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Unlocking the Path to Success: From Systems to Selling Your Practice

Unlocking the Path to Success: From Systems to Selling Your Practice In the dynamic world of chiropractic care, the journey from a solo practitioner to a successful practice owner ready to sell can be both exhilarating and challenging. As the CEO of Breakthrough Coaching, I’ve had the privilege of guiding countless chiropractors through this transformative […]

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Understanding the Updates to Independent Contractor Classification: What Chiropractic Employers Need to Know

Understanding the Updates to Independent Contractor Classification: What Chiropractic Employers Need to Know As chiropractic employers, it’s crucial to stay updated with the latest regulations affecting your practice. One significant update is the Final Rule on Independent Contractor classification under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). This rule helps determine whether a worker should be […]

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Elevate Your Leadership: Cultivating Vulnerable Trust

Elevate Your Leadership: Cultivating Vulnerable Trust In the pursuit of building high-performing teams and nurturing exceptional leadership, one book stands out as a beacon of insight and guidance: Patrick Lencioni’s “The Five Dysfunctions of a Team.” Within its pages lies a roadmap to not only understanding the intricacies of team dynamics but also to unlocking […]

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Navigating Resistance to Change: Embrace the Power of Evolution

Navigating Resistance to Change: Embrace the Power of Evolution In the realm of your practice and business in general, it’s a well-worn adage that change is the only constant. Yet, despite its inevitability, implementing change within a team can often feel like trying to navigate a stormy sea. Resistance to change is a natural human […]

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The Three Cs: Communication, Collaboration, and Consistency

The Three Cs: Communication, Collaboration, and Consistency Today, I want to delve into the cornerstone principles that can truly elevate your chiropractic practice to new heights. These principles are not just theoretical concepts but actionable strategies that can transform the way you engage with your patients and colleagues. I call them the Three Cs: Communication, […]

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FTC Announces Rule Banning Non-Competes

Notice: FTC Announces Rule Banning Non-Competes The Final Rule becomes effective 120 days after publication in the Federal Register. During that time, we expect trade associations and businesses across the country to challenge the Final Rule and seek an injunction against it. In fact, two lawsuits have already been filed. We expect at least some […]

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Change Healthcare and United Health Group Cyber Attack

 Change Healthcare and United Health Group Cyber Attack What You Need to Know For those who have been affected by Change Healthcare (even if you have not been affected) here is what BTC is recommends: HHS Email Today, 4.22.2024 HHS OCR sent an email update regarding the Change Health Care Cyber-attack. HHS posted a new […]

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Medicare Fees Increase by 1.68% as of March 9, 2024

Medicare Fees Increase by 1.68% as of March 9, 2024 On March 9, 2024, President Joe Biden signed a major government funding bill that partially rescinded the Medicare fee cuts that went into effect on January 1, 2024. Included in the federal spending package was a provision that reduced the previous cuts by 1.68 percent. […]

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2024 Medicare Reimbursement Rates

2024 MEDICARE REIMBURSEMENT RATES CMS published the calendar year 2024 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS). Many clinicians will realize a 3.37% cut in reimbursement fees for 2024. In addition, the 2% sequestration fee cut is still in place. The Medicare Part B deductible is $240. The AMA and ACA have filed complaints with CMS, saying […]

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Make a List

Make a List Have you ever heard the saying “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail”? This holds true for marketing your chiropractic practice as well. After the rush of the holiday season, take time to sit down outside of your regular office atmosphere and make a plan. Make a list of what […]

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Give the Gift of Connecting

Give the Gift of Connecting Utilizing social media such as Facebook and Twitter will not bring new patients to your practice immediately, but not utilizing these marketing tools is definitely a way to turn off the new patient light bulb. Promote your Facebook Fan Page during holidays and make it personal by including the input […]

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