New CMS rules enhance Medicare provider oversight; strengthens beneficiary protections

CMS Administrator Marilyn Tavenner today announced new rules that strengthen oversight of Medicare providers and protect taxpayer dollars from bad actors. These new safeguards are designed to prevent physicians and other providers with unpaid debt from re-entering Medicare, remove providers with patterns or practices of abusive billing, and implement other provisions to help save more […]

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Chiropractic PQRS Update for 2015

Blood Pressure is no longer required by chiropractors for PQRS 2015. Chiropractors are still required to take BP on 80% of patients age 3 and older for Meaningful Use criteria. PQRS 2015 FOR CHIROPRACTORS: Measure #131: Pain Assessment and Follow-Up Updated Denominator Criteria, Rationale, and Clinical Recommendation Statements Added to Denominator Coding, CPT Code 96151 […]

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Joint Commission Issues New Pain Standards in Response to Integrative Medicine Team

A Nov. 12, 2014 announcement from the principal accrediting agency for health care organizations could significantly impact access to integrative pain care throughout the United States. The agency is the Joint Commission. The revised accreditation standard will apply to all the institutions under the agency’s guidance and review: hospitals, ambulatory care facilities, home health and senior homes. […]

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Nationwide D.C. Directory Supports Collective Goal Established in 2003

View YOUR Listing Online… While the F4CP had its big debut in 2003, it didn’t get much attention until 2006 after retaining the services of CPR Communications. The public relations agency initiated a monthly campaign that included the distribution of press releases, print advertorials, public service announcements, social syndications and advertisements. As a result, for the […]

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Anyone who uses modifier 59 needs to be aware that due to problems with the incorrect usage of this modifier (which by the way is also revised for 2015,) CMS has added four new HCPCS modifiers. An announcement by CMS stated that “CMS is establishing four new HCPCS modifiers to define subsets of the -59 […]

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