Obama Signs “Doc Fix” Bill, Changing Medicare Payments to Doctors

President Obama signed legislation this month that will permanently change how Medicare pays doctors, a rare bipartisan achievement by Democrats and Republicans that will end years of short-term fixes. The bill, known as the “doc fix,” overhauls a 1997 law that aimed to slow Medicare’s growth by limiting reimbursements to doctors. It resulted in a […]

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Senate Clears Legislation to Prevent Medicare Payment Cuts

Chiropractic documentation education, new quality-reporting incentives included in measure Arlington, Va. – The U.S. Senate, following the earlier lead of the House, late last night passed a long-awaited “permanent fix” to the flawed Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) formula used to determine provider reimbursement levels under the federal Medicare program. The plan would give physicians treating Medicare patients, […]

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Attention Medicare Providers: Update on the 2015 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Provisions that Expired on April 1

On April 1, 2015, the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) was updated using the Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) methodology as required by current law. The SGR methodology required a 21% decrease in all MPFS payments beginning April 1, 2015. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) took steps to limit the impact on Medicare […]

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Next Generation Accountable Care Organization (ACO) Model

The CMS Innovation Center has announced a new ACO model: the Next Generation Accountable Care Organization (ACO) Model of payment and care delivery, which they state “offers a new opportunity in accountable care—one that sets predictable financial targets, enables providers and beneficiaries greater opportunities to coordinate care, and aims to attain the highest quality standards […]

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