National Medicare Campaign Launches

National Medicare Campaign Launches Today, ACA launches a major grassroots campaign to enact federal legislation that would achieve full physician status for DCs in Medicare. This initiative would significantly improve the health and wellness of our nation’s aging population – and your support is urgently needed.  The National Medicare Equality Petition will raise awareness of how the current Medicare system […]

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Break through the Insanity with Breakthrough Coaching

Break through the Insanity with Breakthrough Coaching November 13-15, 2015 in Orlando Florida Doing the same thing again and again and expecting a different result? That’s the definition of insanity. Breakthrough Coaching has created a never before seen event, like no other in chiropractic. You’ll find no talking heads or droning power points at this reality-based chiropractic […]

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Celebrate National Chiropractic Health Month

Celebrate National Chiropractic Health Month Did you know more than 80 percent of the world’s opioids are consumed in the United States? The good news is that you have the power to curb opioid overuse and abuse. DYK that in 2013, there were 16,235 deaths involving prescription #opioids, an increase of one percent from 2012? […]

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Is Your EHR ICD-10 Proof?

Take a moment and test your software with the following commonly used ICD-9 codes: Enter 847.0 Sprain and Strain of Neck. Does your EHR provide both the sprain diagnoses as well as strain? Enter 722.10 “lumbar intervertebral disc without myelopathy” and 724.2 “Lumbago.” Does your EHR warn you that you cannot code M51.26 Other intervertebral disc displacement, lumbar region with M54.5 low back […]

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Obamacare Small Business Revision Approved by Senate & House

Obamacare Small Business Revision Approved by Senate & House The Senate passed legislation on Thursday intended to protect small and midsize businesses from increases in health insurance premiums, clearing the bill for President Obama’s expected signature. The action by Congress was a rare example of bipartisan agreement on how to revise the Affordable Care Act. The bill, approved […]

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