CMS Cancels Round 2021 for Most DMEPOS Product Categories

CMS Cancels Round 2021 for Most DMEPOS Product Categories Accreditation Commission for Health Care On Tuesday, October 27, 2020, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced that competitive bidding contracts will not be awarded for most DMEPOS product categories bid in Round 2021, with the exception of Off-The-Shelf (OTS) Back Braces and OTS […]

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HHS Provider Relief Fund Phase 3 Application Deadline Nov 6, 2020

HHS Provider Relief Fund Phase 3 Application Deadline Nov 6, 2020 Healthcare providers can now apply for additional payments from the Phase 3 General Distribution. The HHS Provider Relief Fund offers financial support to healthcare providers who have experienced lost revenues and/or expenses attributable to COVID-19. You should apply for Phase 3 if you experienced […]

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