***There is important information included in the message below. Please take the time to review it thoroughly.***

Future Health is happy to announce two updates regarding Meaningful Use reporting.

The CQM scorecard has been released to several clinics as part of the final testing process and should be available to all clinics next week. We are scheduled to record a 2014 Stage 1 attestation with a Future Health user on Wednesday, February 4th. The link to this recording will be emailed to users by February 6th. At that point, we expect that you will have all the information you need to attest successfully for the 2014 reporting period before the February 28th deadline. After viewing the recording, attestation questions can be directed to our MU Q/A sessions. The schedule for these is available from the link below.


Our first 2015 Stage 2 webinar has been scheduled for February 10th at 1:00 central time. Sign up for this session is also available from the link listed above or from the direct link below.

In regards to 2015 reporting:

If 2015 is your second year reporting, you will continue to report to the Stage 1 rules and your reporting period will be January 1st, 2015 – December 31st, 2015. You can create a new reporting period for 2015 in the scorecards. You will need to select “2014 – Stage 1: Year 2” (Note – The year for the stage represents the certification year, not the current year). You will attest for this reporting period in early 2016.

If 2015 is your third year reporting or later, you will report to the Stage 2 rules and your reporting period will be January 1st, 2015 – December 31st, 2015. You can create a new reporting period for 2015 in the scorecards. You will need to select “2014 – Stage 2: Year 1” (Note – The year for the stage represents the certification year, not the current year). For Stage 2, the focus on January should be to keep updating things such as problems, vitals, demographics and smoking and keep up with the transition of care and clinical care summaries. The major change for these is that summaries must be addressed within 24 hours of the patient visit, not 72 hours as it is in Stage 1. You will attest for this reporting period in early 2016.

Much of the Stage 2 training is available now in the Software Learning System (SLS). More information is being added over the next several weeks.




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