Arlington, Va.—The Chiropractic Summit, an umbrella leadership group of prominent chiropractic organizations, met on Nov. 7 in Seattle, Wash. and approved, by unanimous motion, the following historic statements of agreement:

Summit Promotes Drug-Free Approach:

The drug issue is a non-issue because no chiropractic organization in the Summit promotes the inclusion of prescription drug rights and all chiropractic organizations in the Summit support the drug-free approach to health care.

Summit Supports the Council on Chiropractic Education (CCE):

The Summit fully supports the continued recognition of CCE. Even though there are some issues of concern remaining, such as CCE’s governance model, many good things have occurred the last couple of years. In addition, CCE has agreed to carefully review governance models for possible improvements beginning in 2014 in connection with the Summit Roundtable.

In addition, the Summit voted unanimously to reaffirm its support of CCE before the Department of Education’s (DOE) National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and Integrity (NACIQI) this December.

 Marketing Language:

After multiple focus groups, the following marketing language was passed: The Summit acknowledges the concepts of spinal health and well-being as credible marketing messages and we encourage further efforts to refine and test such efforts.

“I am proud to say today that after much time, effort and energy, the Summit partner organizations—representing the leadership of our profession—have come to an agreement on the long divisive issue on drugs,“ said Summit chair Lewis J. Bazakos, MS, DC. “This truly was an historic meeting.”

First convened in September 2007, the Chiropractic Summit represents leadership from some 40 organizations within the profession. The Summit meets regularly to collaborate, seek solutions and support collective action to address challenges with the common goal of advancing chiropractic. For more information about the Summit and its leadership, visit




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