Break through the Insanity with Breakthrough Coaching

November 13-15, 2015 in Orlando Florida

Doing the same thing again and again and expecting a different result? That’s the definition of insanity. Breakthrough Coaching has created a never before seen event, like no other in chiropractic. You’ll find no talking heads or droning power points at this reality-based chiropractic gathering. You will learn how to build a marketing machine that will provide predictability and stability to the income their practice generates. Not only that, when those new patients walk through the door you’ll know how to apply the step-by-step process to convert them into patients who pay cash, stay and refer. We’ll teach you how to hire, manage and motivate your dream team of CAs to help manage your growth and help you take your practice sustainably to the next level. Most importantly, success is what success does…you’ll have the opportunity to get inside the heads of the most successful chiropractors in the profession in a no-holds-barred, open-mike Q&A session. Doctors can earn 9 CEUs where eligible and CAs can attend team building sessions for CAs only. Speakers include Dr. Mark Sanna, Drs. Terry and Alicia Yochum, Dr. Jay Kennedy, Dr. Jeff Lewin, Dr. Morgan Mullican and Wendy Lee, CA. CA Sessions include—Crushing Cancellations: Missed appointments are slowly causing the profit to leak out of your practice. In this hands-on workshop you’ll learn the real-world strategies that the best practices use to virtually eliminate missed appointments and increase patient retention–& Creating a World Class Patient Experience: Patients come to your practice for relief but they stay with you because of the 5-star environment and experience you create for them. Find out what makes patients want to stay, pay and refer in this fun and inspiring session. Join Breakthrough Coaching November 13—15 in Orlando for a reality-based chiropractic event. Without the hype, without the fluff and without the spin you’ll learn the skills that you need to succeed in practice today. Think you can skip attending this event? That’s Insane! You can find out more and register for this event at or phone 1-800-723-8426 today.



As a leader in the Chiropractic profession, BTC has been extremely selective in forming its group of alliance partnerships. We encourage you to visit our partner's websites and to utilize their services and products. When you become a Member of Breakthrough Coaching you become part of a special "family" unlike any other in the Chiropractic Profession.

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