Author Archives: Mark Sanna
May is National Correct Posture Month
May is National Correct Posture Month Correct Posture Month encourages people to think about how posture can affect their overall health. Posture refers to the position a person’s body is in while they are sitting or standing. Use theBreakthrough Coaching 7 Step Posture Check (Form M273) in your presentations and screenings to help improve referrals […]
SCOPE MODERNIZATION DISCUSSION DOCUMENT Dear New York Chiropractors, As the next stakeholder in this important process, the NYSCA is pleased to share this Scope Modernization Discussion Document and Draft with you, along with Frequently Asked Questions. The Scope Modernization committee welcomes your feedback, which can be submitted by emailing [email protected]. We hope to enhance the opportunities for chiropractic by […]
2016 Flexible Spending Account Deadline
2016 Flexible Spending Account Deadline CONSUMERS who have a flexible health care spending account at work need to double-check their employer’s rules to see if they have an important deadline coming up. At many employers, March 15 is the end of a flexible spending account “grace period,” by which employees must spend money set aside […]
Clinical Practice Guideline: Chiropractic Care for Low Back Pain
Clinical Practice Guideline: Chiropractic Care for Low Back Pain I want to make you aware of some exciting news! CCGPP’s Clinical Compass has just released its new guideline: CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE: CHIROPRACTIC CARE FOR LOW BACK PAIN. The publication can be viewed here. Here’s what Claire Johnson, Editor-in-Chief of JMPT, had to say about this […]
ACA Launches National Campaign for Medicare Equality
ACA Launches National Campaign for Medicare Equality The American Chiropractic Association (ACA) has launched a national petition to generate support for expanded access to and reimbursement for chiropractic services for Medicare beneficiaries. The National Medicare Equality Petition is raising awareness of how the current Medicare system shortchanges seniors who want and need the essential services […]
The Merit-Based Incentive Payment System
The Merit-Based Incentive Payment System Meaningful Use Is Not Dead: It’s Reincarnated Last year, the MACRA bill was signed into law and in the pages of minutiae and legal language, it was outlined what would happen to meaningful use. Basically, the PQRS (Physician Quality Reporting System) and MU would be joined into one and give […]
Stay Up to Date! New 2016 CPT® Codes
Stay Up to Date! New 2016 CPT® Codes CPT® has made some changes to a few commonly billed X-ray codes. According to CPT®, this includes “a new family of six bundled codes (73501-73503, 73521-73523) for hip and pelvis radiologic examination.” Also included are thoracolumbar procedures with four new codes (72081-72084). Find out which codes were deleted here.
Denials Reported on Bills by Sole Proprietors/Practitioners
Denials Reported on Bills by Sole Proprietors/Practitioners By the FCA Help Desk Some sole proprietors and some incorporated sole practitioners are reporting being denied reimbursement because they are not billing as a group (business) in field 33. Although an official explanation has not been obtained that describes what is occurring, this appears to involve the […]
Internet Explorer Users Must Upgrade
On January 12, 2016, Microsoft is officially dropping support for all but the latest version of Internet Explorer. For a surprisingly high number of laggards, it’s time to upgrade or face a world of hurt. So what’s holding them back? Article is here: If you are unsure of your version, when IE is open, click […]
New Jersey Medicare 2016 Fee Schedule Info
New Jersey Medicare 2016 Fee Schedule Info The 2016 Medicare Fee Schedule is now available here:…/blind-links/2016_Medicare_Fee_Schedule-b… This fee schedule is effective January 1st 2016. Please note, there are still payment reduction penalties in effect this year related to the EHR and PQRS programs. If you are a Par provider for Medicare they will deduct the appropriate […]
Submitting an Informal Review for 2014 Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS)
Submitting an Informal Review for 2014 Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS) If you have any questions regarding the status of your 2014 PQRS reporting or are concerned about potentially receiving the PQRS negative payment adjustment in 2016, please do not hesitate to submit an informal review request. CMS will be in contact with every individual eligible professional […]
BREAKING NEWS: Senate Passes Bill to Expand Chiropractic Services at Major VA Medical Centers
BREAKING NEWS: Senate Passes Bill to Expand Chiropractic Services at Major VA Medical Centers The U.S. Senate has approved legislation that will improve the delivery of benefits to America’s veterans, bringing them one step closer to gaining further access to the essential services provided by doctors of chiropractic (DCs) at major Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) medical centers. […]
Senate Passes Bill to Expand Chiropractic Services at Major VA Medical Centers
Arlington, Va. – The U.S. Senate has approved legislation that will improve the delivery of benefits to America’s veterans, bringing them one step closer to gaining further access to the essential services provided by doctors of chiropractic (DCs) at major Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) medical centers. S. 1203, the 21st Century Veterans Benefits Delivery Act, passed under unanimous […]
2016 PQRS Negative Payment Adjustment and the Informal Review Process
2016 PQRS Negative Payment Adjustment and the Informal Review Process In 2016, CMS will apply a negative payment adjustment to individual eligible professionals (EPs), Comprehensive Primary Care (CPC) practice sites, and group practices participating in the Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS) group practice reporting option (GPRO) (including Accountable Care Organizations [ACOs]) that did not satisfactorily […]
Payer News & Updates
Payer News & Updates Additional resources are available on Aetna’s provider education website at: A list of Aetna’s ICD-10 reject codes are: C34 – The ICD-9 or ICD-10 procedure code is invalid; C35 – ICDprocedure code is a mixed code set-ICD-9/ICD-10; C36 – ICD-9 code set is submitted. Anthem’s EDI ICD-10 Edits Communications – a list of ICD-10 related edits by transaction […]
National Medicare Campaign Launches
National Medicare Campaign Launches Today, ACA launches a major grassroots campaign to enact federal legislation that would achieve full physician status for DCs in Medicare. This initiative would significantly improve the health and wellness of our nation’s aging population – and your support is urgently needed. The National Medicare Equality Petition will raise awareness of how the current Medicare system […]
Break through the Insanity with Breakthrough Coaching
Break through the Insanity with Breakthrough Coaching November 13-15, 2015 in Orlando Florida Doing the same thing again and again and expecting a different result? That’s the definition of insanity. Breakthrough Coaching has created a never before seen event, like no other in chiropractic. You’ll find no talking heads or droning power points at this reality-based chiropractic […]
Celebrate National Chiropractic Health Month
Celebrate National Chiropractic Health Month Did you know more than 80 percent of the world’s opioids are consumed in the United States? The good news is that you have the power to curb opioid overuse and abuse. DYK that in 2013, there were 16,235 deaths involving prescription #opioids, an increase of one percent from 2012? […]
Is Your EHR ICD-10 Proof?
Take a moment and test your software with the following commonly used ICD-9 codes: Enter 847.0 Sprain and Strain of Neck. Does your EHR provide both the sprain diagnoses as well as strain? Enter 722.10 “lumbar intervertebral disc without myelopathy” and 724.2 “Lumbago.” Does your EHR warn you that you cannot code M51.26 Other intervertebral disc displacement, lumbar region with M54.5 low back […]
Obamacare Small Business Revision Approved by Senate & House
Obamacare Small Business Revision Approved by Senate & House The Senate passed legislation on Thursday intended to protect small and midsize businesses from increases in health insurance premiums, clearing the bill for President Obama’s expected signature. The action by Congress was a rare example of bipartisan agreement on how to revise the Affordable Care Act. The bill, approved […]