National Quality Forum Appointment Follows ACA Nomination


Arlington, Va.The American Chiropractic Association (ACA) is pleased to announced that John Ventura, DC, DABCO, has been appointed by the National Quality Forum (NQF) to serve as a member of its Musculoskeletal Steering Committee for the Musculoskeletal Measure Endorsement and Maintenance Project. The NQF is a not-for-profit, nonpartisan, membership-based organization that works to catalyze improvements in healthcare and has been previously contracted by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.


The project will review endorsed maintenance measures and solicit new measures encompassing all aspects of musculoskeletal health for review and endorsement, with an emphasis on disparate and vulnerable populations. The steering committee will evaluate newly submitted measures and measures undergoing maintenance review and make recommendations for which should be endorsed as national consensus standards. Dr. Ventura will serve an initial two-year term.

“Dr. Ventura is exceptionally qualified to represent chiropractic physicians, the experts in treating musculoskeletal ailments, on this steering committee,” said ACA President Anthony Hamm, DC. “He has an extensive background in evidence-based and integrated practice, as well as in writing quality reporting measures.”

Dr. Ventura is a 31-year member of ACA and is also vice chairman of ACA’s Quality Assurance and Accountability and Research Review and Advisory committees.

Additionally, Dr. Ventura is a member of the New York State Chiropractic Association and the American Public Health Association. He also serves on the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ technical expert panel to write the quality metrics for the Physicians Quality Reporting System (PQRS), teaches an online course in evidence based medicine for D’Youville College of Chiropractic and currently serves on the board of the United States Bone and Joint Initiative.

Dr. Ventura is a 1983 graduate of National University of Health Sciences in Lombard, Ill., and has since become a board certified chiropractic orthopedist. He has served the Rochester community in private practice since 1983.



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