NCHM 2014:  Conservative Care First!

Hosted by the American Chiropractic Association (ACA), National Chiropractic Health Month (NCHM) is a national public awareness and education campaign held each October. NCHM strives to teach health care consumers about the benefits of chiropractic services and to promote the expertise of doctors of chiropractic (DCs) in helping their patients reach optimal levels of health and wellness.

In 2014, NCHM will use the theme “Conservative Care First!” to educate the public on why a conservative approach to pain management and health enhancement is both sensible and effective. For years, many patients would find relief through conservative forms of care such as chiropractic services only afterunsuccessfully trying a range of other, more complex and riskier treatments. Today, that approach has been reversed, with more medical research and guidelines supporting the idea that patients should exhaust conservative approaches to pain management before moving on to other options.

During NCHM, doctors of chiropractic will share information with the public about chiropractic’s conservative approach and why it is especially relevant in today’s health care system—and urge them to become their own best health care advocates by insisting on “Conservative Care First!”

NCHM Toolkit:

ACA provides public awareness resources and guidance to doctors of chiropractic to help them create a local NCHM campaign and raise community awareness of the benefits of chiropractic services…and their practices. Learn more about how to participate, no matter what your time or staff resources.

Promote NCHM through your clinic, school, organization or community:

Promote NCHM to the press and through social media:

Promote NCHM via government:

Additional resources:

  • Read Relevant articles (for background on the importance of a conservative-care-first approach)



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