Dear Breakthrough Coaching Members:
As you know, we have the National Chiropractic Leadership Conference February 25-28, 2015 in Washington DC. This is one of the most important years for us for two reasons:
(1) There are 70 new members in Congress, and it’s critical that we arrive in force to help them understand the importance of chiropractic in the new and emerging value-based system of healthcare. Establishing relationships with these new members will be paramount to ensure that we have advocates for our profession in Congress.
(2) There is an extraordinary opportunity for the chiropractic profession in expanding into the Medicaid system. Many of the essential benefit plans are insuring Medicaid recipients. Dr. James Lehman has established a model for chiropractic delivery into the Medicaid system that is benefiting patients AND the doctors who are participating. He will be presenting his ground-breaking model at NCLC and it’s critical that we get all organizations, state association members and other key stakeholders at his program to learn how to grow his model for each state.
Unity is not just us sitting around a table and having conversation – it’s about unified ACTION. We must work together to build our relationships in this new congress, and help our constituent DC’s seize the opportunities that exist to help them in practice. If you have not yet registered for the even, I encourage you to do so today. I’ll be there as one of the featured speakers. I hope you’ll be there with me! Registration information and an agenda is available at
Dr. Mark Sanna



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