Learning How to Laugh and
Move Forward In Chaos
Those of you who know my family knows that this picture is of my daughter, Gianna. She was home without her sisters and this is what she was up to. When I had little ones at home I thought when they get a little older, my chaos will be less. Then they got a little older and a little more chaotic and I thought, surely, they will calm down as they get older. That would be a big NO. Then in the car, I am having a discussion with my middle child about why can’t she just do something I wanted her to do. She replies. “Mom, can’t you just be happy? I could be on drugs right now.” I just had to laugh.
The same chaos goes for my professional life. We started our office from scratch. As we grew, hired staff, hired more staff, expanded, hired an associate, more staff, another expansion I kept thinking maybe it wouldn’t be so chaotic. If we could just grow to a certain number the chaos would be less it wasn’t but it was different chaos. The chaos is always there it just looks different in each phase of our practice.
“To experience peace does not mean that your life is blissful. It means that you are capable of tapping into a blissful state of mind amidst the normal chaos of a hectic life.” – Jill Botte Taylor
Chaos will always be there in some form. Notice I called it chaos and not stress. Stress has a negative, “I cannot handle it”, the mantra about it. While chaos you can embrace and laugh and move forward. How we react and move around it will be where our greatest success is and some of our greatest memories. How do you define your chaos and how do you see through it? And when all else fails friend me on Facebook and laugh at my chaos it’s bound to make you feel better.