Make a Habit of Success

“Choose the life that is most useful, and habit will make it the most agreeable.” —Sir Francis Bacon Make a Habit of Success  The world is a great place. It’s too bad there are so many people who see only unhappiness. Everywhere you turn, you find situations, people, and circumstances that would make your life […]

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Leadership During Change

“They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.” —Andy Warhol Leadership During Change Leading your team through change requires that you lead from the front. You do this by setting an example.  Create a compelling picture of the risks of not changing and a clear vision of the future.  […]

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Embracing Change

“Human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspect of their lives.” —William James Embracing Change Embrace change by letting go of your need to have everything “just right.” You don’t have to have “all” of the pieces in place before you can proceed. More important than control is […]

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Why a Mission Statement?

Why a Mission Statement? Your Mission Statement declares to the world your life’s work.  It gives your practice team the clear direction they need to move in to reach their potential in your practice. It empowers your patients by giving them a clear picture of what they can expect to achieve. Your Mission Statement focuses […]

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Create Your Mission Statement

Create Your Mission Statement “Here is the test to find whether your mission on earth is finished. If you’re alive, it isn’t.” –Richard Bach As the popular film Jerry Maguire opens, the title character is wrestling with issues that make him question who he has become. These issues offend his values. In these opening scenes, […]

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