COVID-19 Social Distancing Signs and Floor Decals
Now is the time to making your practice’s hygiene efforts conspicuous. Post signage at your entry doors alerting patients that they should not enter if they have symptoms of COVID-19 has had contact with someone who has been exposed to the virus or has traveled out of the country in the last two weeks. Make hand sanitizer available at your front desk and throughout your practice. Wipe down adjusting tables and other surfaces with a disinfectant in view of patients. Mask and glove when delivering care. It’s also a great idea to place signage and floor decals in your practice to remind patients and visitors that you adhere to social distancing guidelines in your practice. The more that you can make patients aware of how your practice is working to maintain a safe environment the more likely they are to come to your practice for care. A great source for social distancing signs and decals is Displays2Go. You can access their catalog of signs and decals at