Expand Your Services and Add New Technologies

Expand Your Services

One way to grow your practice is by offering new products services. There are many services that are compatible with chiropractic care. Nutritional supplements, orthotics and supports are natural compliments to chiropractic care. Massage therapy, acupuncture and exercise therapy are high demand procedures that fit well in a chiropractic setting.  Research the services that are in demand and determine whether they will be profitable for your practice to offer them.  Be aware of the services that other health care providers are offering in your community to be sure that your practice remains competitive. Review the pages of this and other chiropractic publications on a regular basis to keep up to date on current practice trends.


 Add New Technologies

 One important way to advance your chiropractic practice is to keep your technology up-to-date. This is especially important when a new technique or piece of equipment can help differentiate your practice by making your procedures easier and more comfortable for your patients. For example, you can switch to digital x-rays that can be read immediately and deliver less exposure to radiation. The new generations of hand-held instrument adjusting devices come equipped with auditory feedback signals that indicate to both doctor and patients that a desired level of movement has been achieved. Many chiropractors are finding that laser therapy is an excellent high-tech adjunct to the traditional modalities they offer. The results are well documented and providing laser therapy can create the cutting-edge buzz that helps to grow a practice. Feature your use of technology prominently in your ads and on your website. Send postcards to patients notifying them when you incorporate something new and beneficial into your practice.



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