The Problem With Trying To Fit In

“I’ll spread my wings and I’ll learn how to fly. I’ll do what it takes till I touch the sky. Make a wish, take a chance, make a change, and break away.” – K. Clarkson The Problem With Trying To Fit In As children, one of the first social lessons we learn is to fit […]

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The Power of “Priming”

“You have to strive every minute to get rid of the life that you have planned in order to have the life that’s waiting to be yours.” – Joseph Campbell THE POWER OF “PRIMING” For many years sports psychologists have recognized the importance of “mental preparation” in helping athletes perform optimally. A past client of mine […]

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Learning How to Laugh and Move Forward In Chaos

Learning How to Laugh and Move Forward In Chaos Those of you who know my family knows that this picture is of my daughter, Gianna.  She was home without her sisters and this is what she was up to. When I had little ones at home I thought when they get a little older, my chaos […]

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“To be able to practice five things everywhere under heaven constitutes perfect virtue… [They are] gravity, generosity of soul, sincerity, earnestness, and kindness.” – Confucius     HAPPINESS One of the ironies of our modern existence is that even though we in the developed world; have unprecedented levels of material well-being, are living longer than […]

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Live Your Passion

“We may affirm absolutely that nothing great in the world has been accomplished without passion.” – Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel LIVE YOUR PASSION Most of us have been taught since childhood to fear passion and to view it as dangerous.  We have been told that passion is dark and sinister, that it compels people to […]

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