Author Archives: Mark Sanna
Prepare for Microsoft Support Changes
Prepare for Microsoft Support Changes Just as Microsoft ended support of Windows XP in 2014, it is officially ending support of Windows 7 in January of 2020. Therefore, you must either upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 10 or replace it with a new Windows 10 PC to be HIPAA compliant and protected from hackers. […]
Google to Ban Ads for Stem Cell Therapies
Google to Ban Ads for Stem Cell Therapies Alicia Ault September 06, 2019 Google has announced a broad ban on ads on its platform for a range of unproven medical procedures, including stem cell and gene therapies that have not been tested in rigorous clinical trials. “Today, we’re announcing a new Healthcare and medicines policy to prohibit […]
ALERT! Major Medicare DME Change
ALERT! Major Medicare DME Change As of January 1, 2021, Medicare DME will implement the Competitive Bid Program for a category of Medicare DME that includes various supplies such as lumbar braces and knee braces. For those Chiropractors currently involved and certified to bill Medicare DME, the program will undergo a major and significant change […]
Master Social Media to Grow Your Practice – Tip 6
Master Social Media to Grow Your Practice – Tip 6 Be Committed to Building Your Following Building a strong social media following requires you to be active in your efforts. When you follow other people on social media, a percentage of them will follow you back. Make a habit of following people and interacting with […]
Master Social Media to Grow Your Practice – Tip 5
Master Social Media to Grow Your Practice – Tip 5 Make Use of Geotags and Check-Ins Geotagging your practice location is a sure way to increase your local following. When you tag your location it is a signal that you are part of your local community. This engenders greater affection from local consumers, who prefer to […]
Master Social Media to Grow Your Practice – Tip 4
Master Social Media to Grow Your Practice – Tip 4 Include Live Video Without a doubt, video is the most popular type of content in terms of user engagement. The advent of live video has helped to push its effectiveness to the highest level. Facebook advises brands to utilize their Facebook Live feature. Due to […]
Master Social Media to Grow Your Practice – Tip 3
Master Social Media to Grow Your Practice – Tip 3 Tag Influencers in Social Media Posts A great tactic to capture more exposure for your social media posts is to tag other people. Just like posts with hashtags, tagged posts are a bulletproof tactic on every major social media network. With tactical tagging, you tap […]
Master Social Media to Grow Your Practice – Tip 2
Master Social Media to Grow Your Practice – Tip 2 Express Your Personality Aim to be genuine on social media. Consumers are savvy to constructed stories and are drawn to authenticity. Examine the brands that you follow. Most likely they have a personality that relates what is special or unique about them. Most successful practices […]
Master Social Media To Grow to Grow Your Practice – Tip 1
Master Social Media To Grow – Tip 1 Tell Great Stories Consumers disengage when they are bombarded with impersonal messages and spam, so posting generic content is far from effective. What resonates with people most on social media is social storytelling. Story-based posts that don’t have a “call to action” or link included can foster […]
Master Social Media to Grow Your Practice
Master Social Media to Grow Your Practice No practice marketing strategy can neglect social media. The number of potential patients connected to each other through social media rises every day. If your practice isn’t connected to your community with social media, you can be sure that your competition is. Social media is one of the […]
Coding Clinic Officially Defines Spondylolisthesis and Disc Disorder
Coding Clinic Officially Defines Spondylolisthesis and Disc Disorder The Coding Clinic for ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS is a quarterly newsletter published by the American Hospital Association’s Central Office (AHA). The information they publish is a joint effort of several organizations including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), the Centers […]
Chiropractic Symposium Brings Top Chiropractors Together
Chiropractic Symposium Brings Top Chiropractors Together The top chiropractors from across the United States will join together in the “Expanding Your Practice Symposium” on November 9-11 in Orlando, Florida. The purpose of the conference is to bring together chiropractors and their staff members in a setting that allows them to share their experience and expertise […]
Exosomes: How Stem Cells Work
Exosomes: How Stem Cells Work Stem cells are unique cells with amazing healing capabilities, it’s only been in the last decade that a substantial number of scientists are investigating and providing insights on how to use them most effectively with the help of clinicians having “boots on the ground” actually witnessing the effects and what […]
2018 MIPS Eligibility Tool
2018 MIPS Eligibility Tool CMS has released the updated MIPS Participation Lookup Tool for 2018 eligibility for the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS). Enter your NPI to determine whether you need to participate during the 2018 performance year. CMS changed the eligibility threshold for 2018: Clinicians and groups are now excluded from MIPS if they 1) billed […]
Blue Cross Blue Shield Association Affirms Opioids Should Not Be Prescribed as First or Second Lines of Pain Therapy
Blue Cross Blue Shield Association Affirms Opioids Should Not Be Prescribed as First or Second Lines of Pain Therapy Subtitle Professional standards require alternative therapies designed to limit harm to Blue Cross and Blue Shield members Chicago – The Blue Cross Blue Shield Association (BCBSA) National Council of Physician and Pharmacist Executives (NCPE) at its March […]
Q/A: Why is Code 99080 Being Denied when Billed with an E/M Service?
Q/A: Why is Code 99080 Being Denied when Billed with an E/M Service? Posted on March 21, 2018 at 03:13:30 pm To properly answer the question, it is important to first review the requirements of selecting the appropriate level of Evaluation and Management (E/M) service and how that relates to reporting a 99080 special report […]
Anthem Will Not Give Modifier 25 a Pay Cut
Anthem Will Not Give Modifier 25 a Pay Cut Anthem’s original plan was to take a 50% reduction when providers reported claims using modifier 25, it was then lowered to a 25% reduction and has now been fully rescinded, to the relief of providers. The policy was to go into effect March 1, 2018, however, due to […]
Increased Therapy Denials Create Administrative Burden
Increased Therapy Denials Create Administrative Burden Recently, many healthcare providers have begun to experience a downpour of denials when billing therapy services. The states which seem to be experiencing the most difficulty are Illinois, Oklahoma, and Texas, particularly for claims submitted to BCBS plans owned by Health Care Service Corporation (HCSC). Since HCSC also owns Blues plans in Montana […]
CPT Coding Update: Checkout for Orthotic
CPT Coding Update: Checkout for Orthotic There is a new CPT code for 2018. Anyone who uses Durable Medical Equipment, including Orthotics, and has billed for a “check-out” where the patient ran into a problem and required your attention, or that you re-checked the usage, fit, etc. Delete your Orthotics Check-Out Code effective December 31, […]
HARD CAP ON THERAPY SERVICES NOW IN EFFECT. You must follow ABN procedures. As we reported in December, the allowed dollar amount for 2018 for outpatient physical therapy and speech-language pathology combined is now $2,010 with a separate $2,010 for occupational therapy. Due to Congress’s failure to provide for an exception process (KX) a hard cap for […]