Grow Consistently

“People grow through experience if they meet life honestly and courageously. This is how character is built.” – Eleanor Roosevelt Grow Consistently Personal growth seems to occur in spurts. We gain a little, lose a little, surge ahead or slide into a holding pattern wherein growth seems to be stagnated. Here are some ways to […]

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Solutions-Focused Blogging

Solution-Focused Blogging. “The answer may be at the beach.”  This is funny and most of you are chuckling but the important word here is not “beach” it is “answered”.  Now for some of you, the answer is the beach but not for every problem.  Are you solution-focused or problem-focused?  This is kind of like the […]

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Time—And How Not to Waste It

Time—And How Not to Waste It “Time is the most valuable thing you can spend.” – Theophrastus Time management is such a popular subject these days; there are training sessions devoted entirely to this and nothing else.  Yet with so much knowledge and advice available, managing our time still seems to be something just out […]

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 Happiness Is a Process

 Happiness Is a Process “Happiness is that state of consciousness which proceeds from the achievement of one’s values.” – Ayn Rand Success is not a destination. It’s a journey. If you think that you’ll be happy when you attain certain goals or succeed at certain things, you’ll be constantly chasing after happiness. Happiness will come […]

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Be Persistent

Be Persistent “Energy and persistence conquer all things.” –Benjamin Franklin If you have a dream to live, follow it, no matter how wild, outrageous, or improbable it may seem. Bring your loved ones and friends along with you on the journey to support you. True supporters will help you keep your dream alive when your […]

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