Master Social Media to Grow Your Practice – Tip 2

Master Social Media to Grow Your Practice – Tip 2 Express Your Personality  Aim to be genuine on social media. Consumers are savvy to constructed stories and are drawn to authenticity. Examine the brands that you follow. Most likely they have a personality that relates what is special or unique about them. Most successful practices […]

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As part of the HIPAA Security Rule, there is a standard that refers to the Device and Media Controls. 

As part of the HIPAA Security Rule, there is a standard that refers to the Device and Media Controls. What is a device according to HIPAA Security Rule? Devices are anything digital you may use in the practice that may access or save digital information including ePHI.  Computers, laptops, printers, scanners, fax, tablets, etc. Remember […]

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Master Social Media To Grow to Grow Your Practice – Tip 1

Master Social Media To Grow – Tip 1 Tell Great Stories Consumers disengage when they are bombarded with impersonal messages and spam, so posting generic content is far from effective. What resonates with people most on social media is social storytelling. Story-based posts that don’t have a “call to action” or link included can foster […]

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OIG Exclusion List

OIG Exclusion List We have been taught for years do not employ an individual who is on the exclusion list.  When reading it may seem that only providers can be excluded.  If you read further into OIG’s frequently asked questions and other clarification OIG provides; there are reasons why staff members can be excluded as […]

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Master Social Media to Grow Your Practice

Master Social Media to Grow Your Practice No practice marketing strategy can neglect social media. The number of potential patients connected to each other through social media rises every day. If your practice isn’t connected to your community with social media, you can be sure that your competition is. Social media is one of the […]

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