Master Social Media to Grow Your Practice – Tip 6

Master Social Media to Grow Your Practice – Tip 6 Be Committed to Building Your Following Building a strong social media following requires you to be active in your efforts. When you follow other people on social media, a percentage of them will follow you back. Make a habit of following people and interacting with […]

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Ransomware, What Do I Need to Know to Protect My Practice?

Ransomware, What Do I Need to Know to Protect My Practice? Is Ransomware as Scary as People Make It Seem? Ransomware is scary for those who are unprepared.   We have had clients that are completely shut down after a ransomware attack.  Others who have had a HIPAA breach.  It is stressful, time-consuming and can be […]

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Master Social Media to Grow Your Practice – Tip 5

Master Social Media to Grow Your Practice – Tip 5 Make Use of Geotags and Check-Ins Geotagging your practice location is a sure way to increase your local following. When you tag your location it is a signal that you are part of your local community. This engenders greater affection from local consumers, who prefer to […]

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Master Social Media to Grow Your Practice – Tip 4

Master Social Media to Grow Your Practice – Tip 4 Include Live Video  Without a doubt, video is the most popular type of content in terms of user engagement. The advent of live video has helped to push its effectiveness to the highest level. Facebook advises brands to utilize their Facebook Live feature. Due to […]

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Top 10 reasons to raise profitability by adding Decompression

Top 10 reasons to raise profitability by adding Decompression As a chiropractic coach, I am often asked what the easiest way is to make more money. My answer is hard work! Many offices are looking for the fairy godmother of profitability. Where decompression will not automatically rain money, it can be very profitable. Offer an […]

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Improving Team Culture Maintain A Positive Attitude

Improving Team Culture Maintain A Positive Attitude It’s important to note that team culture is only as good as your weakest team member.  A football team will not win the game is the quarterback refuses to play.  I speak to chiropractic offices all the time and the staff thinks it’s the doctor’s fault and the […]

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Master Social Media to Grow Your Practice – Tip 3

Master Social Media to Grow Your Practice – Tip 3 Tag Influencers in Social Media Posts A great tactic to capture more exposure for your social media posts is to tag other people. Just like posts with hashtags, tagged posts are a bulletproof tactic on every major social media network. With tactical tagging, you tap […]

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